Saturday, May 21, 2011

Beneath the Sampaguita Tree

I remember her
And her beauty.

Gentle as an infant's touch,
As powerful as a bull's charge.

I remember her 
And her smile.

In brightness rivalled by none,
None but the sun.

I remember her
Her sweet voice

To the ears like aural honey
Of which only God's taste worthy.

I remember her
And those soft hands

Her heavenly caresses
A treat for the senses.

I remember her
For I loved her

Not for her facade nor posture;
But for she had more.

I remember her 
When we met in secret

Lovers in the moonlight
'Neath the sampaguita tree's sight.

I remember her
When she said:

To our love, God shall be the witness."
A pact we sealed as we kissed.

I remember her
And the promise we made

"To stay forever in each other's arms
Be it in Heaven's grace or Hell's damns."

I remember her
When my sorrows began

She told me she'd appear,
But what came was cold fear.

I remember her
So, so vividly

As I searched for her high and low
With my love for her in tow.

I remember her
And I still do

Every night I returned for her
By the tree, to find her there

I remember her 
And it still burns inside

She returned pale, blood flowing free.
Where we loved--Beneath the Sampaguita Tree.