Saturday, May 21, 2011

Beneath the Sampaguita Tree

I remember her
And her beauty.

Gentle as an infant's touch,
As powerful as a bull's charge.

I remember her 
And her smile.

In brightness rivalled by none,
None but the sun.

I remember her
Her sweet voice

To the ears like aural honey
Of which only God's taste worthy.

I remember her
And those soft hands

Her heavenly caresses
A treat for the senses.

I remember her
For I loved her

Not for her facade nor posture;
But for she had more.

I remember her 
When we met in secret

Lovers in the moonlight
'Neath the sampaguita tree's sight.

I remember her
When she said:

To our love, God shall be the witness."
A pact we sealed as we kissed.

I remember her
And the promise we made

"To stay forever in each other's arms
Be it in Heaven's grace or Hell's damns."

I remember her
When my sorrows began

She told me she'd appear,
But what came was cold fear.

I remember her
So, so vividly

As I searched for her high and low
With my love for her in tow.

I remember her
And I still do

Every night I returned for her
By the tree, to find her there

I remember her 
And it still burns inside

She returned pale, blood flowing free.
Where we loved--Beneath the Sampaguita Tree.

A Strange Place

I awoke one dreamy morning
To the sound of steel bellowing
Got up, got dressed, heard a box boom
Beside men trapped in a small room.

I fled like a masked caper
And saw men toil hard for paper.
To this they have become enslaved,
And silly black tablets they craved.

Youths move about, heads where feet were,
As to strange tunes their bodies stir.
They worship a squeaking white dwarf
Who dons a bizarre checkered scarf.

Slaves abound, trapped in white boxes,
Guarded by Hell's flaming foxes.
They speak in short bursts of letters,
Hunting little colored critters.

To a long chamber I was trapped,
As it moved, I had to adapt.
For the world had gone askew,
As it raced to the time of new.